Affected services:

  • Third Party API

Getting new access token by refresh token fails

Opened on Saturday 9th April 2022, last updated

Resolved — The external apps are releasing a new version with some tweaks

Posted by Hannes

Investigating — So we suspect a not completely correct integration by some of the apps which export to Runalyze. But can't verify this completely 100% so far, because the developers didn't answered yet. (-> get in touch Due to a feature request we got from an app, it could be that it works now for now. (A reconnection will now be necessary in the process though). This is not a fix though, it's just a workaround until we get this sorted out with the developers. It may be that due to an update in February/March there was actually a change in the implementation of the authentication for the API, but it should not affect the connection. Unfortunately, I was not able to track the change.

Posted by Michael

Investigating — We tried to reproduce it again multiple times and still don't have any issue getting new access or refresh tokens. We will continue to try to understand the problem from two apps where we've got that feedback.

Posted by Hannes

Investigating — There is a problem with getting new access tokens/valid refresh tokens from Runalyze. We have found the root cause and will try to fix it this weekend. (Probably by Saturday evening, when we have found the causing error.)

Posted by Hannes